Oblivion dlcs for steam
Oblivion dlcs for steam

But looking at where games are today, as developers start sequestering thinks like in-game death animations away behind Season Passes, Oblivion’s Horse Armour looks almost quaint in comparison. Oblivion’s Horse Armour DLC has gone down in infamy as a massive joke–a ridiculous idea and shameless money grab by Bethesda who had the audacity to think that gamers would pay real-world money for virtual-world horse armour. With its cheap colouring and strange swishy wing design near the horse’s butt, it looked like something you might’ve seen on TV in the 90s–some forgotten low-budget high-fantasy show you deliriously watched on daytime TV when you were recovering from a bad bout of flu.ĪLSO READ: Should All Games Let You Respec Abilities And Upgrades? Even if you are of the persuasion that ‘gold is good,’ so the more of it the better, the ‘Elven’ horse armour that you got with the Horse Armour DLC was less gold and more of a crayon yellow.

oblivion dlcs for steam

Ok, I’m exaggerating a bit about its magnificence. You may not be in heaven, but for a lowly $2.50, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion gave you the next best thing: Horse Armour DLC.

Oblivion dlcs for steam